Latest news on Welsh wildlife.
The North-East Wales Bird Report 2017 is now available for sale direct from Ian Spence at £5, plus £1.80 p&p.
For those who are not able to buy it directly RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands and RSPB Conwy will hold stocks by late November 2018 - please ask for your copy!
A new book on "The Smut and Allied Fungi of Wales: A Guide, RDL and Census Catalogue" has been published. All the authors are very pleased with the end result and hope it will prove of interest to fellow mycologists and to botanists.
The book follows the same format as their 2015 "Rust Fungus RDL and Census Catalogue for Wales", (available to download), giving a conservation status for all the Smuts etc. that have been found in Wales to date.
However, this volume is also designed for use as a field guide with every species found in Wales described with photos, both macro and micro, of many of them. The book includes a census catalogue listed by species and by host with the aim that once the host is identified, the Smut or Allied species infecting it can also be named. We hope this might be of interest to anyone with an interest in fungal plant diseases and it is at a very affordable price compared to any other books in print on this group of fungi.
The book has 83 pages and is in softback A4 format. Copies can be obtained direct from Ray Woods and will also be available via Summerfield Books and NHBS.
Wales supports important UK populations of threatened bee species, however there is concern that these species are in decline. The Wales Threatened Bee Report highlights significant range contractions for numerous bee species in Wales.
To see the full report visit their website.
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All the latest Odonata information from North Wales.
Funded by Natural Resources Wales' (NRW) partnership programme, the Welsh Fishermen's Association - Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru (WFA-CPC) and Succorfish have developed and trialled a method for fishermen to monitor and record invasive non-native species (INNS) across Wales....